Nice & Slow
Now available in musical and non-musical versions with variable cast sizes. Script and performance rights through YouthPLAYS.
Touring production, Fresno State University, dir. Nicola Olsen, 2024; Production, Eastern Michigan University, 2022; Reading, North Drama, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, 2020; Touring production, 2017, Utah Valley University Noorda Theatre Center for Children and Youth, dir. Heidi Harrison Mendez; Winner, Old Miners' National Prize, and workshop/reading, UVU, dir. John Newman, 2015.
Sam is slow getting ready in the morning, which irritates the grown-ups in his house, who expect Sam to share their fast-paced lifestyle. When the Sloth living in Sam’s upper bunk tickles Sam’s nose and causes him to sneeze, Sam gets to stay home from school. Sam and Sloth go on a variety of adventures in Sam’s bedroom, where Sam learns about fast and slow animals and the merits of slowing down to smell the roses. When Sam’s grandparent, Nonni, comes over to care for him (and make him homemade rice pudding), Sam is able to put his lessons about slowing down into practice. Written to tour grades K-2.
Cast size: 3 -6 (gender and ethnic neutral)
This is a sweet gem of a play with a friendly reminder to slow down, people! Look and see and smell those roses. Children will delight in Sam's adventures that all take place in his bedroom. Especially fun moments include the drum for Sloth's helmet, the Cheetah as a cop (arresting Sam for speeding) and Goo on roller skates. Nonni's rice pudding and Sloth's guidance are one of the many smiles of the play. -- playwright Claudia Haas
Nice & Slow offers children an engaging alternative to an adult world that comes at them too fast. Kindergarten through second grade audiences were always engaged by the story and by the antics of the sloth and the other fantasy characters. It’s a great show to tour to elementary schools. -- playwright and Theatre Professor John Newman
In a day and age where kids are stressed out and overscheduled, Nice & Slow is a lovely reminder for kids, parents and teachers that not only is it okay to go slow – but sometimes it’s absolutely necessary – resulting in the enjoyment of life and overall well-being of the family. -- director Heidi Harrison Mendez

Photos from touring productions at Fresno State University Theatre, directed by Nicola Olsen, and Noorda Theatre Center for Children and Youth at University of Utah, directed by Heidi Harrison Mendez. Utah photos by Isaac Walters.